Sunday, September 23, 2012

I Pledge Allegiance

Great day Sunday with a 3 hr. road trip to Gilgel, a town about 25 miles south of Nakuru.  Experienced getting stopped by the police and spent 30 minutes trying to help Ray get out of a $40 fine.  Little did that police woman (2 actually and tough as nails I might add) know that we were getting ready to rap (Martin) and preach (me) to 900 boys at a boarding school for kids 14-19 and guess what, they are mostly kids of police officers throughout Kenya.  After starting off by telling the boys that one of their moms stopped us and gave us a ticket (great laugh), I went on to talk about how they really had an opportunity to be nation changers but they had to decide whether they were going to be a "bucket" or a "hose" (ECFers understand) in life. The time at this school was highlighted for me as the boys placed their right hand on their heart, their left hand in the air and sang "I Pledge Allegiance to the Lamb".  I will post a video later in the week of that.  What a blessing to see those potential nation changers in Kenya making that pledge to Jesus.
Unbelievably attentive and gracious audience.  Afterward, the Principal of the school asked us to give him our ticket receipt and that he had already made a call and hopefully he would be able to "take care of it"

On to Eldoret with another 3 hr drive and we surprised Martin's mom with my presence.  We visited and ate a late dinner and headed to the hotel.   It is Monday morning here now and we will be heading to Nzoia for the first day of Pastors/leaders seminar.  Thanks to some generous folks back home i was able to bring 60 copies of the book Preach, which is a new book out on Biblical preaching and real "how to" information.  We will go through that as well as a bunch of other things as the Holy Spirit leads our 2 days together.
The Boys of Nakuru (can you find me?)

More on Tuesday night when I have internet again.  Thanks for the continued prayers.


  1. Ken and I are praying for you there, Dave, as you minister there alongside our grandchildren and love on our great grandchildren. We are praying this evening regarding the report that Janne put on Facebook about Ray and Mikey and yours and Martin's trip to the prison to see what you can do. Janne shared that Martin is very frustrated and we are holding him up before the Lord and asking the Lord Almighty to minister to him! Please love on him for us! May Jesus Christ be praised! Looking forward to your new post!

  2. Thanks for sharing Dave! What a powerful experience you're having! Stay safe and again, thanks for opening a window into what God is doing in Kenya! ~ Vince
