Sunday, September 30, 2012

I Thought This Was Only In the Movies

Yesterday was Saturday and we actually had a little bit of a down day in the morning to sleep in, rest, catch up some reading, take Amariah and Ezriel for ice cream and get copies made at the local cyber cafe.  We headed to Ruben Slum around 5 for another evening of the Crusade with a big crowd, lots of music and a many people who made a decision for the Lord.  After we preach we turn it over to the pastor of the local Church on the Rock and he tells the new people how to find them and get involved with a church. 

Yes I actually wore a tie and Martin didn't
It is now Sunday afternoon after a very long (about 3 hr) service at a new church that started about 2 months ago by Pastor Ndete and his wife who also head up the church in Ruben Slum and run the CMIA school that some of you have visited. I preached about the River of Life and the flowing of the Holy Spirit out of John 7 and Ezekiel 47.  I handed it off to Martin at the end and he wrapped it up with a recap of the lesson and an altar call.  

A first time visitor came up in response to the invitation to give her life to the Lord.  As Martin was praying for her she collapsed and started writhing on the floor and screaming.  Several gathered around her and spoke the name of Jesus over her in prayer.  Keep in mind, she was in a nice dress, the floor was dirt with some rocks and she was rolling over and almost convulsing in the dirt with no concern for her dress etc.  I have seen a lot in my life and have seen what I thought probably to be demon possession or oppression but not anything like this.  I watched as my friend Martin tackled this head on with no fear, no hesitation and a great amount of faith.  As I found out later, this is one of many, many encounters like this through the years for him and Jannekah.  Ephesians 6 kept ringing out in my head through the whole event.  It was a sense of refreshing as she was finally able to stand up in her right mind, although dazed, and have a seat.  Interestingly, I seemed to be the only one who thought it was out of the ordinary.  I know what many of you are thinking because I have thought the same thing many times before.  All I can tell you is, do not underestimate the power of the evil one. He is clever and sometimes will attack in ways such as this and other times he will get to us by encouraging us to not believe in the warfare that does exist. I imagine he loves it when he senses we think his power and influence is only in the movies...

The last night of the Crusade in Ruben Slum was pretty unbelievable. We estimate at least 2,000 came out to listen to the music and the message with hundreds saying they wanted to receive the forgiveness of Jesus.  It started around 4pm and ended about 8:30 and the crowd just kept growing.  Here are some pictures that don't quite do it justice but I think you will get the idea. I must say it was crazy fun!

Pastor Ndete - Ruben Church on the Rock

Janne & Martin Singing "Ne Yesu" - "It's Jesus"

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing Dave and the sober reminder of the spiritual warfare around us and the world. God bless you and the brothers and sisters of the Rock Church.
    ~ Vince
