Saturday, September 22, 2012

Sharing the Mission

I arrived in Nairobi, Kenya last night after about 20 hrs of flying and airports. All went well along the way.  Greeted at the airport by Amariah, Martin and Ray who will be our driver for the week. Today, (Sat) has been a rest day and preparing for our first trip tomorrow.  Your prayers are coveted each day as we travel and have the privilege and honor to teach church pastors and leaders in Kenya and Tanzania.  A three day crusade will be a new experience.  

Here is my Itinerary so you can know what to pray for each day.


Fri  9/21          Arrive
Sat 9/22          Rest day
Sun 9/23         Leave 6AM to Nakuru to Preach at boarding school outside Nakuru, 
                         Visit with boys at Nakuru Boys Home in afternoon, 
 Evening drive to Eldoret (3 hrs)
Mon 9/24         Nzoia Pastors seminar all day. Nzoia is 90 min. north of Eldoret
Tues 9/25        Nzoia Pastors seminar all day. 
Wed 9/26        Travel day back to Nairobi  (6-8 hrs)
Thurs 9/27       Teach at Prison
Friday 9/28     Afternoon -Time with David Hatley, Director of CMIA 
                         Preach at Evening Crusade – Ruben Slum
Sat 9/29          Preach at Evening Crusade – Ruben Slum
Sun 9/30         Preach morning Ruben Slum Church on the Rock – Evening Crusade
Mon 10/1         Travel to Moshe, Tanzania (close to Mt. Kilimanjaro)(6-8 hrs)
Tues 10/2        Pastors Seminar in Moshe – all day
Wed 10/3        Pastors Seminar in Moshe – all day
Thurs 10/4       Travel day back to Nairobi – Catch 8:30 PM flight back home.
Fri. 10/5          Arrive at SEA around noon

Below are also pictures of Ezriel (2) and Amariah (4), the children of Martin and Jannekah Guya, our great friends and missionaries.

Amariah was gracious enough to let me stay in her home school room, complete with bed and mosquito net.  More as I have internet. 

1 comment:

    Praying for safety, fun, and God's word to melt every heart!
